For Barely Literate Bears

Quote at the moment

“I need to be youthfully felt because I never felt young” – Jackie and Wilson by Hozier (ik it’s a song)

If you can still read this page because it is published i have no idea how to unpublish this lmao. 

Exploring books, ideas, and the little things that spark inspiration. Take a seat, stay a while.


I am Mysterious Bear

I’m a student based in Boston, Massachusetts, with a love for reading and collecting books. This blog is a side passion project—a space for me to share ideas, explore inspiration, and learn the art of blogging. Through this, I hope to read more, stay consistent with my habits, and maybe, one day, even add a travel section.

Short Essays

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2025 TBR

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Book Reviews

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam non nisl in velit dignissim mollis a rhoncus dolor.

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